
by USA Roller Sports

For Immediate Release:

In order to achieve 100% compliance with the United States Olympic Committee’s requirements specific to criminal background checks and Safe Sport training, that all current staff, executive board of directors, committee members, coaches, officials and others deemed to be in a position of authority over, or to have frequent contact with athletes complete their criminal background check and Safe Sport training by June 22, 2018.

With failure to complete resulting in immediate loss of privileges and duties specific to their position until the completion of the requirements is validated as finished.

In addition any individual who has had their privileges and duties suspended, will be removed from any published active lists and not be permitted to interact in any sanctioned and other related USA Roller Sports activities. For individuals who are new and initiating their status to move into one of the positions listed above, they will remain 100% inactive, regardless of payment made to cover member fees until they complete their criminal background check, Safe Sport and other related training.

In addition, new members specific to the compliance requirements will not appear on any listings showing authorization to participate at any level of USA Roller Sports.


Please note, that this action could affect one's participation in any of the roles listed above for the July National Championships and beyond.

In the days moving forward, USA Roller Sports will be contacting individuals via multiple mediums, who have not completed their required training and checks to bring them into full compliance.

To those members in the positions listed above who have completed all of the requirements, Thank you!

Athlete safety is without hesitation, the most critical of standards for all National Governing Bodies of the Olympic Sports community and USA Roller Sports, as a part of that community will not fall below that level of standards.

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