Rink Hockey#

Sport Operations Director - Brent Benson (extension 1206)

Rink hockey, a sold out spectator sport in the 1992 Olympics, is internationally played in over 50 countries. World Championships are held annually for School Boys, Junior, Ladies and Senior Divisions along with intercontinental cup tournaments. The United States is divided into six Rink Hockey regions, North West, South West, North Central, South Central, North East, and South East. Tournaments are frequently held across the United States and each year there is a "open" National Championship where the only requirement is proper equipment, an USA Roller Sports Hockey Card and the team entry. Each Rink Hockey Region has a Regional Representative who can be contacted for information including seminars, tournaments, equipment etc.

 (Click Here for a Club near you).


USARS Rink Hockey Committee and Minutes

USARS Board and Committee Members

USA Rink Hockey National Team Developmental Program

USA Rink Hockey National Team Developmental Program Facebook Group

USARS Rink Hockey Coaching Levels 

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